Rabu, 31 Desember 2014

Oncom Cumi Asin

A few days ago, my friend in Kyoto asked me to join Five Days Food Challenge on Facebook. This challenge order us to put  a food pic per day. Yeah.... i joined but failed, coz i can't through this until finish in five days. I got only 3 days coz of my bustle. Gosh .... there's too many paper i should read.
By the way, my first day i made oncom cumi asin or tofu lees with salted squid. I don't know how to say oncom in english. It's a lees or some waste when you made tofu and it was fermented until full with fungus. My kiddos don't like oncom coz the fungus. It's disgusting, they said, hahaha...... For me, oncom is my mood booster. My fave food all the time in first tier is oncom. There;s no stiff recipe  to make this. You only need onion, garlic, chili or sambal, salt and sugar and a little bit broth powder. I added sweet basil to make good flavor on it. Don't forget to boil the squid first to make it soft and reducing the salt.

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